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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Looking for Ole Leather Lips

I went to a State Park here in Ohio to fish the Crooked River. I went to a section that hjas a lot of river gradient and sweeping pools. Shes has really changed in over the years gravel bars swept away and exposed river limestone bedrock. I saw lots of bait and hooked on fish cause it hit like a frieght train and never stopped down steam. I had no scales but a lil lip meat on my sculpin intruder fly. I fished my Scott Rod the L2H1157 / 4 lined with Freightliner Skagit Floating with 11.5 feet of T14. I was using olive leech patterns and olive intruder style patterns. The water here is still steep and has amazing gradient even know the water was flowing at 275 cf/s.

I'm stading on a bed of new rocks deposited since the last storm. These rocks are vertically a minimum of 5 feet above where i was the last time i was here.

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