Thursday, July 11, 2024

The truth of my life


There I was in and out of the children’s home without a clue how my life would turn out. There I was with major trust issues with life ahead of me. I was expelled in the 3rd grade and that may have been the best thing that could have happened to me.  I know it seems strange as heck to say that but let’s put some things into perspective quick.

I was in the public school system, and they are looking at me as a statistic.  I come from an abusive broken home and if it were not for my grandparents, well, let us just say I would not have the life I have today.

I went into the service and that brought things into perspective fast.  I did not realize it till after that I will never have a family like that again out of the service.

I leave the military and begin my civilian life.

I have my guard up and because of past life experiences I did not trust anyone.

Fast forward 18 years and then I would find myself working on myself with no distractions.  I would learn how selfish I was and how rigid I had become ever since leaving the military.

So, let’s fast forward to today. I am a shadow of my former self. I am not perfect and never claim to be. I am mindful and respect the boundaries of others.

I have a few people in my life who I call friend.  This last sentence brings me to where I am now. As you may know, in 71 days I go to Maine for two weeks.

A dear and great friend is going to join me in the Baxter area. 

He has offered to bring his canoe to fish on some sections of the West Branch while we are up there.

I am blown away at the generous offer. I never expected this and on this trip because of him while I am in the Baxter Area turned into a ten as far as vacations go from a scale from one to ten.

I am blown away at the generosity of others.

Thank you ole friend!!

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