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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

In 68 days, I will be headed to Big Sky Country. In doing this trip I stumbled upon the need to strap my tripod conveniently to my Atmos 35 backpack. I did not want the tripod atop of my backpack getting snagged on every branch it could find. So, I designed the heavy-duty bag. It has two belt loops. 

One at the top and one at the bottom. I found a person to sew this all together for me. The sides and the bottom are made of heavy nylon and are double sided. 
The roll top is made of stretchy chartreuse fabric. The straps are 1” pieces of web straps. The buckles are a hard plastic back packing type. 

The bag hangs off the back of my back inline with my back and backpack. Now the only downside is I can’t turnaround as fast in a confined space, but I am not going to be a confined space with this gear to worry about it.  I have decided to put it out there in the world incase anyone else was wanting to do this. 

The material cost was about $15 for a square yard of nylon. The chartreuse material was about $12 a square yard. The webbing was about $1.36 a foot (I wanted the straps to be 5 feet long as a personal preference). The buckles where $4.00 apiece.  With the harness of the backpack the load will balance nicely.  The tripod only weights about 3 pounds.

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