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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Wetter Than Water - Lake Erie - Steelhead Fishing


Well after yesterday’s drive, I decided to head out and fish around noon today. I would leave after a big breakfast and full thermos of coffee. The rain was off, on, off, and on again all day. The great thing about Conneaut Creek it built nothing like the other Lake Erie tributaries in Ohio. She’s mostly a West and East Creek “flowing to Lake Erie”. Most of the other river and creeks in Ohio that flow into Lake Erie are North to south “flowing to Lake Erie”.

That also means the rain affect her differently than other creek and rivers her size. I arrived at the spot and got geared up and was excited. The creek is up and prime time shape for swinging.  Most people with the flow is like this they shy away. Its to fast to bobber fish with an eggbeater or fly rod.

I strapped my Scott 7wt switch (L2H1157) with 118 grains of T-14 (8.42 feet). I pulled 3 feet of 12# seaguar mono off my spool and tied on my Punk Cheerleader intruder.

The creek had 18-26” of visibility but moving. I waded across the river and thought to myself yes, she a little angry as I crossed her. 

I was determined today to fish the hang down more incase I had some fish who could not commit.

I fished cack-handed today. The river was flowing from left to right. I would take a time out and take a panoramic shot and then the rains started. I felt like forest Gump “upside down rain, stinging rain, fat rain, and sideways rain.

I was using a longer piece of mono to keep my anchor from blowing with the wind.  My first grab of 4 grabs would come mid river in a slick “a slick to me is an eddy where multiple currents cancel themselves and make it appear that the water is flat”. 

I stepped down and repeated my cast at a 30 degree down stream cast. I would start at casting distance of 40 feet and then work up to 70 feet. I worked this area times in the same manner. The rains had increased and one of the rocks I was watching was now submerged. I knew it was time to leave soon. I was into cast three I believe. Then the Manistee who was not happy with his latest life choice made it known. My running line slapped my rod and the drag set the hook.

I applied side pressure to the clearly fresh fish. He was gallant in his efforts but was released quickly. The rain was so bad lol it would have been awful trying to get his photo. He was about 27 inches long and a three-year class fish. He was fresh and clean with no battle scared or lamprey marks.

I crossed back through the creek and my wading staff was making that singing sound! Good choice to get out of here. I headed to Pennsylvania to attempt to swing some flies from Elk Creek to the Lake. Mother nature said nope not today you aint! Lol 

The wind was not manageable, but some good photo opportunities were had!

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