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Thursday, January 25, 2024

I just found a new fly shop

 So, in life it's the little things.  I'm preparing for my Maine trip this fall.  In doing so their is flies to be tide, tides to be looked at, and reservations to be made.  

I also enjoy giving my business to the local shops when I can. 

I ordered some fly patterns so I can copy them for the local fishing holes.  The shop I ordered them from is called Rangeley Fly Shop and it's a cute little shop in the Rangeley region.  They also sent the cutest little gift with it a Swedish fish.  

You just made a new customer out of me. 


Thursday, January 4, 2024

Goals and Vacation plans

 Today was the start of my savings for my 60th birthday gift to myself. I am saving to go to fishing British Columbia for over 1 week at

To just say it will be a trip of a lifetime is an understatement.

I also started financial planning for my 2024 two week vacation in Maine. Here I will be going to the Baxter area, Rock hopping in the salt, and hiking in with my float tube to a remote brook trout pond.  I will be ordering the first round of tying materials this weekend.

Stay tuned for fly tying photos.


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