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Sunday, October 30, 2022

See you on Veterans Day!

 A light frosty morning down home!

Headed North

It was great to see my cousins and help out where I could. It was great seeing the "Pasture Puppies", but I did not on this trip have time to shake the fins with the "Pond Pets"! Well I must shut down the laptop and head out.

Be well,


Saturday, October 29, 2022

Being home for family

Helping family and others is what life is all about. Giving without wanting anything in return. These feelings are what makes my soul complete. The overnight lows are going to be just above freezing and the air is full of fall smells. The leaves down here range in colors from burnt ambers, pale golds, and dark oranges.  

Time to get moving,


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Headed home for the weekend

 I will be working with my cousins and helping out.  I will also get to see the pasture puppies and pond pets lol.   It will also be an opportunity to take some late fall photos down there.   

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Fished along Francois Seguin trade route and then to the Fuego River!

 So, I thought fall was here and summer was gone! Most steelhead fisherman do not like blue bird skies and 70 degrees! This normally tends to lean towards a mediocre day on the river at best. 

I fished in the upper 10 miles of a larger tributary of Lake Erie today.  

I had never been here before and thank you to my fish nerd friend I headed out. I overslept but you know what its way early in the season and there would be most likely no fish up in the section yet. 

I walked down the goat path, and I could here the water of her still running a little hard. It was tough conditions for bobbers but swinging flies it what was on the menu today. I strapped my Scott L2H1157 with 8 feet of T-14 for 112 grains accompanied by SA Freightliner 440 (22 foot head). 

I crossed the top of a large run and asked the fellow angler if he mind, and he said no problem. 

I pressed on as my wading staff wobbled lol, I thought hmm I am not mid-thigh, yet I got this!

Arriving at the river I  saw two people up stream and two downstream. The two upstream talked so loud I though they where on a zoom call lol. 

I would end up casting cackhanded here on this section of river. The topography of the rive here was sand, small cobbles, and large rock.

There were two small boulder fields here that I thought for sure had the potential for holding a fish. 

I did not let the number of people worry me today and paid them no more mind because I knew there would be people.

I also knew I would be headed to a river later where I would not see another angler for miles!

It was time to depart this river having worked these runs for two hours with no joy. I was super content with this. 

Thenm it was off to get to my haven of solitude. Here I would only be accompanied by deer, crows, turkeys, muskrats, and a few exercising bipeds!

For three years they have spawned in the same place on this river and one day I cant wait to see what makes these redds. I wont fish for them, I just want to see them.

I cover about 2 miles of river. She was the lowest I have ever seen her. I could fish the holes swinging better than I have ever had a chance. The areas I was fishing was normally inaccessible by swinging flies. 

This is where a little magic happens! I would hook my first adult steelhead today. Notice I did not say land. lol… He or she took a swung purple haze intruder.   

hook it fishing the hang down. I watched my line ungulate back and forth in the current. Then is snapped straight out from the guides.  I thought o shirt it’s a fish. I was as shocked as it was when it realized that this purple thing has a hook in it. 

It gave me the old washing machine trick in the deep pool I was swinging through then pop goes the weasel.  

The gradient on the hole I was swinging through was more like a shoot and the fish ran up into the slack water before I could turn him. I became unbuttoned and I continued to swing the rest of the long pool.

With no more love I took the long but happy 2 mile walk back to the vehicle.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Glacier NP, MT, Road to the Sun pull off Part 5


Glacier NP, MT, Road to the Sun pull off Part 4 (Logan Pass Looking ESE)

Glacier NP, MT, Road to the Sun pull off Part 3


Glacier NP, MT, Road to the Sun pull off Part 2

Glacier NP, MT, Random photo


Glacier NP, MT, Road to the Sun pull off Part 1


The fog was heavy this day, but treasures still could be found if one was willing to look.

Photos in Black and White from Montana

Boney Northfork of the Flathead River, Polebridge Ranger Station, Glacier NP


Heavans Peak, Glacier NP, MT

 These photos was taken while on our way to 

Kintla Lake, Glacier NP, MT

Flathead River below Flathead Lake, Montana - Random Photos!


The eye of the day watching us!

The following photos are taken while in the Eureka, MT Region

The light and dark composition here defies explanation. You can see even the background spots of light shining only parts of the clouds. You can see the grey trail the rain storm going across south to north. 

The gradient from this sunset was much more dramatic in person, but still stunning. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Steaming into Fall


The Age of Steam Museum

Only a few short years ago I learned about a museum called the Age of Steam.  A man with an amazing vision Jerry Jacobson built a roundhouse and a bevy of other appurtenances to maintain his 23 steam locomotives. You can read his story here. Age of Steam

I traveled down there today to take some photos and take the tour. This place is an active work site. I mean they are pressing bushings, bearings, welding, and machining parts right there on site.  They watch you like a hawk because of all the safety concerns, but your totally safe in their hands no worries there. 

All these steamers have been either totally restored, but some of them are in the middle of being restored. I am sure all these folks are at the top of their craft.  The only thing they are missing is a forge and if they had that they would be 100% self-sufficient.  

The engineering of the building it top notch. All the timber is from sawn lumber. All the structural connections with iron through bolts, flat iron square washers, and iron terminated connections. The amount of detail that is apparent from what I saw in the roundhouse is amazing.

It’s the cleanest darn shop I have ever seen! 

The tour guide we had was also top notch! He was well versed in the physics behind the steam and how each engine was different for each steamer.  I was really impressed, and it is always a pleasure to hear people speak who can keep the attention of others while educating them. 

One great note about the tour guide. There was a special needs young man on our tour. He was knowledgeable to, but the tour guide without missing a step treated all the questions from the young man as if he was like the rest of us “normal”. 

The tour guide explained to us in general terms what the permitting costs are associated with a steamer. I understood totally why they have only one active steam locomotive.  The manpower hours, labor hours, and love for these steamers is amazing to witness.


Allegheny National Forest (ANF)

I choose to return to the Kinzua Valley in northcentral Pennsylvania today. I would travel to the Allegheny National Forest (ANF). 

For information click this link Allegheny National Forest

I traveled easterly towards the ANF and with much anticipation. Last year when I had finally made up my mind to go fall had come and gone and we where in the early part of winter. I thought to myself what a wonderful place to come to in the fall. Well with that also comes everyone else or as I like to call is very peoplie!

Fall color was in full splendor staring at elevations of 1300 feet. Above this you could see the how the color creep was working its down into the lower elevations.  Here around my house at elevation of 1160 our colors are staring to take shape, but they are only at about 40% to its full fall foliage color potential. I have noticed over the last three falls the colors while bright and vibrant have taken on a almost muted color scheme when viewed from afar. 

I traveled to the Kinzua Viaduct and glad I got here before noon because let’s just say on Friday they saw 7000 people and today was Saturday! Lol Get their early friends.

I took the path down to the valley bottom. I took my time getting down there because of the loose gravel and semi tricky footing.  The ANF has taken the time for you protection and the liability to stay on the paths to control erosion issues and to protect you from injury so could you please respect them and do not do what ever you want! This is just one example of why our moms said “we can never have anything nice”.

Mt trail walked went like this

I then went to the Kinzua Rock Ledge trail and overlook. This area is easy to find and can be found by these coordinates N41° 50.571' W78° 56.766'.

There is also a scenic byway that will route you around 1/4th of the south part of the reservoir. The route is call “Longhouse National Scenic Byway” and more information can be found at this link Longhouse Scenic Byway

There are other scenic drives, and their information can be found here at this link. Scenic Drives

Its maybe my imagination, but over the last few years the colors although very vibrant from afar they look muted. Its still a beautiful thing to see as mother nature reminds us that life is precious so enjoy her splendor while you can.

I hope you enjoy the photos!


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